.._from the redplumjam archive_..
here's 3 i tidied up for you to see- as redplumjam is of an age that will require two digits to record- these and other older shots are now admissible as 'fresh old material'. these first three i actually like looking at:

this simple sconce is clearly a clamp lamp on a rebar outrigger. pretty darn cool right? that's redplumjam 1999 y'all. all my stuff was MDF, zipties & rebar then. photo: John Langford Photography

here's a coffee table in walnut & red oak- designed in austin for an architect with a toddler circa 2001. six legs: can't knock it over. cammi & i are still friends on LinkedIn even. photo: John Langford Photography

and a detail shot of some casework & carpentry, again in austin all to WoodEye Construction & Design's specs. from 2004-2005. Garland Turner's got so much soul woodworkers be like yo'.
photo: John Taylor
lil' bonus: here's my squirts- [also geting old now, still easy on the eye] a shot taken by my good friend and artist ed gross a little over a year ago. we were neighbors at the time & set up the shot on my [also old] truck. i held treats while he clicked the photos. of course you notice the mezmerizing dust collector in the background- it belongs on an album cover somewhere. lynn crounse will agree.

what is old school? simple, temporary, improvised, imaginative, sometimes engrossing-
people making tools to improve their lives. sometimes planned sometimes stream of consciousness.
usually having nothing to do with how anything looks. incidental. now THAT's old school i can identify with. the dust collector in my dogs photo is a perfect example of this. my dogs are a perfect example of this!
ok- one last nod to days past, i'll leave you with a quote by Lily Tomlin:
"i always wanted to be somebody, but now i realize i should have been more specific."
no- yeah- just like that!
THAT... is the best looking coffee table I have ever seen!!! Glad it's mine :)