the amazingly huge disconnect between what we say we stand for as a country- what we think of as our moral fiber- the things we vote for and argue about in the square [square?]- and the actuality of our existence is at an all time high. all the smart people are tuning out, keeping their heads down, concentrating on family and community- some of them have jobs.
The Indispensable Public
the impetus for all of our wars- the very holy and high point from which we stand- while judging all other countries or patriots or despots in word or action- that high moral standard is nowhere to be seen in our official domestic policy, foreign policy, unregulated financial piracy, untouchable corporate swagger, illusion of two party politics, or treatment of humans or animals or even the planet.
Ladies and Gentlemen: This is Your President!
the resulting very large causual nebula [VLCN] that we all contend with in trying to construct meaningful lives around this madness intellectually- add the fact that we are ingesting this same exact madness in factory food--- which gives rise to all kinds of illnesses and and insanities and mania-.-.- even this rant. [the poor fellow that writes this is pretty bad off]
so what i'm suggesting is this: there's 300 million americans- duped and foolish though we are- [that's a lot of fools fool!] let's roll them out of town in wheelbarrows. throw the bums out!
money, borders, property, laws- these are all popular constructs- social fiction. we all believe in them so they're real. we believe in them so they govern our behaviors. now if banks, corporations and the body politic used the same 'personal' barometers we'd be fine, but they don't. we've gotten too used to this part of our disconnect. you see the rules apply to your behaviors but not to your oppressor-hypnotist lender buddy [OHLB].
the good part is our old friends in the last american revolution [not the chevy revolution] gave us a constitution and a bill of rights that still exists in real life as well as our collective memory. we don't have to build a whole new ideology- we don't have to reinvent the wheel.
you want shock and awe? how about 300 million americans in the streets with torches? i think we can still all afford that- maybe that will scare the windmills enough to give us a fighting chance.
"Ho, there, foul monster! Cease the knocking at thy craven knees and prepare to do battle!" - Don Quixote
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