Sunday, June 13, 2010

prototyping new redplumjam furniture design-

here's a pretty kick-ass [soothing, flatpack, not gigantic] king size bed design using green-certified sheetgoods, mixed recycled hardwoods, and even some laminated corrugated cardboard. the double sky trigrams [i ching heaven] define the footboard and two upsidedown L's of laminated cardboard make the headrests of the headboard. please dig the accordion zig-zag mattress support system- that's what drove this whole design from the beginning.

prototype photos [my bed] coming soon, alongside images of other of new, or at least so far undocumented redplumjam designs.

my new shop is functional & should be in really good shape by fall. the richmond east side energy has been great for me this year & i'm super lucky to be part of this little community.

holla church hill n accomac st!

pinching a little tight on those human civil liberties mr. judge sir, your honor sir.

man oh man- i'm shopping for a new pair of SK8 Hi Vans so i don't miss the next dinosaur skate session. some people don't know this: being a custom woodworker means you love your work and it doesn't bother you that even in good times you're really still too poor to buy $50 shoes very often. it's a very dusty artist's life with its own rewards [like a sweet early demise]. i switched to driving a forklift so i could skate more often. be there in a minute, guys.

better live it up while i can, right? well, as far as finding those Vans goes: the local skateshop is so financially wobbly from this economy that they're out of stock- other local stores don't cater to the hiTop Vans crowd, so there i am buying them cheap online anonymously instead. kicking the legs out from under my local economy. we're WalMarting each other as i write this. i just WalMarted you. you'll do it to me twice tomorrow.

that only works with cheap oil, like the million gallons/day leaking into the gulf. the US uses 20 times that in one normal day.

how long does that last, how does it resonate with you, & at what cost? how much energy should we be investing in sustainable living systems, food & energy production, transportation structures, cultural modification, etc?

we in the US, like some other freaked out northern european countries, are legally reaching toward socially regressive militaristic measures to 'solve' our problems- ones that truly require adopting new points of view instead- we are legalizing racial profiling, mercenary intelligence agencies/armies, indefinite detentions, murdering citizens, rendition, many aspects of torture & humiliation, flying armed remote control robots, etc. while at the same time we're giving corporations a more defined personhood & the right to outright legally buy our elections.

now the latest: our miranda rights- the right to remain silent, to a court appointed lawyer, etc- are automatically waived if we don't clearly state right off the bat that we'd like them please and thankyouverymuch.

so when in doubt, remember to yell: "i have the right to remain silent!".

Supreme Court Favors The Top 1%