Saturday, April 24, 2010

'drill baby, oh you've gotta be kidding me'

an oil rig exploded in the gulf of mexico last tuesday killing eleven. a serious leak on the gulf floor 5000 feet below currently spills 42000 gallons of oil per day. rough seas above have curtailed repair efforts.

"The explosion came almost three weeks after President Barack Obama unveiled plans for a limited expansion of U.S. offshore oil and gas drilling. The explosion did not affect U.S. oil markets."

The Old Paradigm Works Just Fine for Now

.. howevermuch it could benefit the whole world to make some drastic changes. a funny parable i heard in a recorded dharma talk: a scientist's eminence is directly related to the amount & extent of obstruction he &/or his idea exerts on all other research in that field..

people believed in their hearts that the earth was flat at one point.

don't we have somebody checking on that kind of stuff? too bad we hate ralph nader now. too bad van jones questioned the intent of his government. too bad brainwashing populations has become so easy and commonplace.

maybe they'll find some more oil, but then what? less expensive flat screen tv's?

Friday, April 23, 2010

'what do we want? CLIMATE CHANGE! when do we want.. wait'

those little sissy countries that can't take a few degrees of net temperature gains or a few more feet of ocean can just have their little climate accord if they want. we'll stop sending aid to their poor little a**** & watch them cry about melting glaciers they depend on. yeah! USA! USA!

"the United States made clear that it didn't need small countries like Bolivia to be part of a climate solution. It would negotiate a deal with other heavy emitters behind closed doors, and the rest of the world would be informed of the results and invited to sign on, which is precisely what happened with the Copenhagen Accord."

Good Article by Naomi Klein on Climate Summit in Bolivia

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

'ah, forget about the people: you'll see, we'll just scare 'em silly'

nice 3 card monte game going on in national politics- and the rapt media is there to gloss over all the discontinuity- oh that's their job- alright then, these guys do it great:

Two Cheers for Obama's Nuclear Summit

'um well see, we're about to need another 34 billion in emergency military supplemental for the perpetual wars, so we wanna get you good & freaked out to make you forget you're too poor to keep spending like this..

on things that go nowhere. by the way, are the bankers good on pillows? oh- and watch out that bridge is falling on you.'

Sunday, April 4, 2010

drill baby, oh crap- nothing to see here!

dang- there's a tanker grounded & leaking fuel oil near the great barrier reef- at least this sort of thing won't happen with Clean Coal- just click your heels three times if you don't know what that is.

Chinese Tanker Takes Unguided Shortcut

will musical chairs [with oil reserves serving as the chairs] be the primary energy policy of all sovereign [now rogue energy starved] nations? are we surrounding iran with military bases & arsenals with borrowed funds because they've got the second largest oil field in the world? who will profit from that conflict? will there be any clean air or fresh water for them?

who's taking the long view on this stuff?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

community activism will knock you out!

of your fatalistic-chic neg-jadedness & challenge you to make something of your actual self and your community. what a gas, right?

right here in richmond, part of a lecure series titled World Changing on april 7 the lovely & talented Lisa Taranto will be presenting at Tricycle Gardens HQ- the topic of the lecture & discussion is Permaculture. for info & pricing call 804 231 7767 or visit

then in the beginning of the summer, there's 2 big events being held in detroit:

june 18-20: Allied Media Conference has hands on lectures and workshops about how to start & even build your own radio station, wireless network, etc. from a budget-challenged community activist point of view.

june 22-26: U.S. Social Forum is a grassroots community grown vision of what globalism with a lower case 'g' can be about- using Detroit as an example of how it's being done.

here's a good question: will Richmond [or the United States even] be able to create more 'good old days' for generations to remember, or was that it for us?