jay henry [jim shezlick] is in town from DC this weekend- last night larry glover, bubba martin, the two of us & some friends went to see SUZUKITON at gallery 5 last night-
sure there were other bands playing, but we there to soak up some bill rose. afterward we sauntered over to cous cous for their skate nostalgia bingo nite- where the MC even bought us drinks & introduced us as great heroes from another era. it was not difficult to pick up inertia or entourage from that point on. i even got a checkerboard vans velcro wallet.
so then some poor fella had a grand mal seizure right there in cous cous- [larry & bubba took charge & the paramedics came fast], but our mood could not be shaken. so perhaps before the rest of the room was ready- larry made a wisecrack that didn't go over well with some- & then [holy crap] jay got thrown out for defending his right to be a smart ass. awesome- we were getting warmed up.
we took that show over to patrick henry pub for night caps & actually had a good [behaviorally socially acceptable] time in that crowded little place too.
these guys are my heart & soul. to whatever degree i possess any useful or desirable traits, all of them had their beginnings in that unlikely crucible of Quality we created together riding skateboards. that community is my generous heart, creativity, perseverance & wisdom. learning the little wheel saved me from the mediocre. it made all other lessons easier to learn & manage-
what are you doing & why? just staying on the line & falling off of it. paying attention to physics lessons. what's important? being in the flow of the universe.
it's about coming of age-
it's about learning how to experience things
the way they ought to be experienced.
it's about learning how to do it.
it's about picking your shit up off the floor.
it's about being a butthole surfer-
it's about doing promotional work.
it's about what we are- all these things.
it's about loving yourself
loving your mum
going to the go cart track.
your kitty
the catfood
the little bits of crayon
the melted pieces
the loving friends
all the things you wish you had-
yep- thanks for the memories guys.
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