Sunday, November 15, 2009

so what do you think about what you think anyway?

you all know me as an eager, suggestible, trusting, experimental type of guy- i'll be the first to volunteer for the hypnotism, exorcism, visitation, cleanse, whatever- bring it, right? perhaps in some sense this wide spectrum of experience- however biased & unscientific- may serve to shake me loose from some of the more obvious mechanistic behaviors that come hard wired through family, education, cultural exposure, languages [physical, visual, verbal], etc.

i'm sorta hooked on the banking crisis right now, so as an example: what do we think of when we think 'criminal'?

The Social Functions of Prisons

this essay is from the nixon era- early 70's- but still a very sharp analysis of what goes on inside the insides of people's heads.

ethically speaking, i stand a very comfortable distance away from any prison sentence compared to many of the composers and willing minions of mortgage backed securities & other exotic financial instruments. socio-economically speaking i am a comparative stone's throw. what does that say about us culturally?

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