here's a democracy NOW interview with William Black, author of 'the best way to rob a bank is to own one'- published in 2005. it's funny, no matter how loudly or plainly or intelligently one puts it, close to nobody will understand or even hear a word of this because it doesn't follow our prescribed nursery rhyme.
"my baloney has a first name.."
sorta inciteful words if you think about how our understanding of history & current events have been groomed to comb out just the right amount of blind pride & total apathy. here's some words from a man who got killed back in 1969 for not sticking with the program- the context of the struggle here is altogether different, but points to the same perpetrators exerting different methods of control & exploitation -:Fred Hampton's word-jazz bodhisattva vow:-
"...We in the Black Panther Party, because of our dedication and understanding, went into the valley knowing that the people are in the valley, knowing that our plight is the same plight as the people in the valley, our friends and family are in the valley, knowing that our enemies are on the mountain, and even though its nice to be on the mountaintop, we're going back to the valley. Because we understand that there's work to be done in the valley, and when we get through with this work in the valley, then we got to go to the mountaintop. We're going to the mountaintop because there's a motherfucker on the mountaintop that's playing King, and he's been bullshitting us. And we've got to go up on the mountain top not for the purpose of living his life style and living like he lives. We've got to go up on the mountain top to make this motherfucker understand, goddammit, that we are coming from the valley!..."
-excerpt from Fred Hampton's 'power anywhere there's people' speech
olivet church 1969
ok now i'm sorta getting that blind pride feeling..