is it within our capacity or range of desires to truly live lightly on the land?
whether or not our planet's current population of humans could get it together enough to operate with compassionate, humanitarian, peaceful, helpful, sharing & generous actions & intentions towards each other- or to put our technologies to work creating more efficient lives with regard to environment, ecology, energy types/sources/uses, water, local food production, transportation, facilities & their uses, waste generation- without having to cow-tow to the monied old paradigm models-
-such improbable primate altruism-
-however, it's still within our capacity to contemplate, and try to operate with these goals in mind. for instance: zen buddhism- and the necessity of instant awakening and opening to reality- at least among certain populations- was born out of the massacres & rapes of ghengis khan & mongolian invasions.
despite a crumpling economy, climate change, peak oil, water hoarding, corporate plutocracy, misinformation, propaganda, & conspiracies global & tiny- we can operate from a place that accepts these impossible parameters because we are not clinging to what is foisted upon the world.
we are deciding for ourselves what is important, making it our own- even making it ourselves- and that is what we create our world with- in the midst of chaos even. this is also the wisdom we bring to the rest of the world.
-i mean of course, if you wanted to take charge of your life like that- this is what we would bring to the world.
it's up to you.
here's a good article about a prize winning urban planning idea in sweden:
why not make an amazing 2011? start with your heart, your family & then your community. lead by example, don't follow the example of our leaders. peace to you & your peeps this coming year.